Commercial Antenna Designs
Mosley antennas are pre-tuned, pre-drilled and color-coded for ease of assembly which means NO MEASURING!
Commercial Designs
The name meaning TOP QUALITY in communication and receiving antennas is Mosley. Mosley commercial antennas offer you little (if any) maintenance, outstanding performance, and economy. All antennas are developed to meet rigid government and military specifications for quality control.
At the Mosley factory, trained, skilled personnel produce a full line of antennas. Coil forms used in our beams are molded directly on the element sections. Traps stay on frequency in steaming jungles and deserts; in polar regions. Swaging of element sections creates a more attractive antenna, reduces wind load, eliminating possible vibrations causing metal fatigue.
The Mosley "Quality of Antenna Excellence" has become a standard to the industry. Every Mosley installation is designed using only the finest quality materials, backed by decades of antenna design and manufacturing skills.
In addition to the information posted herein, Mosley Electronics, Inc. can produce a wide variety of multi-frequency YAGIS, Verticals and Dipoles as well as other single and multi-frequency configurations to meet specific requirements.
... antennas may be cut to any desired frequency between 1 and 470 MHz. Pre-tuned designs with simple, concise instructions. Applications for aviation, commercial, military, emergency managment, homeland security, police and the fire department, industrial, emergency net, utility, forestry, marine traffic communications, and many more interesting, useful, and informative broadcast applications.
You are cordially invited to submit your antenna problem to our competent engineering staff. Prompt evaluations and proposals will be made along with price quotations and delivery times.
Whether your requirement can be met by one of our cataloged antennas or by a CUSTOM - ENGINEERED "SYSTEM", Mosley Electronics, Inc. is anxious to serve you.