Gary, Jr, Share with your Dad. Feel free to use. AH7C PRO taken from the yard of the K1ER PRO. John K1ER and Tets AH7C with his PRO through the palm trees
Mosley Information Board & Feedback Archives
The picture and comment below was taken from the March 2003 of QST.
(Thanks to John, K1ER for his email pointing out the picture, and Joe for sending it in.)
Here's a picture of a PRO-57-B on a 2" x 24' boom with no strut in the Alps.
This antenna has been up since 1992 in this enviroment! Here's more proof of the Mosley quality!
Ask N9ZGE and W1FKD about his TA-33 in the above pictures after an ice storm in Maine
(PRO-67) Ice Storm in Michigan.
Some more great pictures from our customers!
Left to Right: Mini-33-A, Stacked AM-14-2, TA-53, MP-33-N, TA-33-M-WARC, PRO-96, AS-511-D
Thanks to all those who have sent letters and pictures!
Brag Letters
(We know waiting a while for a new custom built toy can be hard, however, knowing that it will last forever might make it worth the wait! Read some of these brag letters and you'll know what we mean.)
Here are just a few of the comments that are contained in hundreds of the letters we receive. It is impossible to put all of them in this limited space, however, if you would like the full letters or the names and numbers of these hams they would be happy to discuss their antenna with you. Thanks to all those who have written us, we enjoy hearing from you. All of us at Mosley work hard to do a good job, and it is satisfying to know when we do.
K8ZE Original Message ----- Saturday, February 28, 2004 5:23 PM Hi Gary I am sorry it has taken so long to write and express my thanks for the service Mosley has provided. I now have both the Cl 33 M and AM 56 up and operating. The performance of both is as expected from a company with the reputation of Mosley Electronics. The CL 33 M seems to be very sharp and a little better than I expected frankly. The 6 meter beam is astounding the pattern is much better than expected, given the close proximity of the other antennas. And the quality of construction is all that I remember the name Mosley represents. I hope to add a WARC beam and another tower in a couple of years and you can rest assured Mosley will be the solution. Thanks for all the personal service you and your staff provided getting the order straightened out even during your down time for inventory. I must say with the service and product you provide I can't imagine using another manufacturer. Please except my sincere gratitude for all your help and attention during this process. Yours truly, Mike Switzer K8ZE
NC4SA, "Thanks and keep up the good work got 3 of your antennas and love them to death. Get S9+20/60 signal reports all the time on 10 meters from here in Western N.C.. Only running 100 watts from FT-920. I often get accused of running an amplifier my signal is so good. I bought this one used from a ham on the coast of N.C. and it was up in salt water environment for 20 years. Looks brand new and works that way to.
KA2AAY, "I found the antenna to load up beautifully with almost perfect SWR (1:1 at 14,300). I pumped 150 watts into the CL-33-M and got back excellent DX signal reports. I just had to take a few minutes from my busy day here at the office to write you this letter! I am an extremely satisfied customer. From documentation, construction, installation and performance, this antenna is tops!
National Communications System, Federal Government, Chief , Technology and Standards Division, MLP-3-30-48-D, "I am very satisfied with the results and anticipate using the antenna's capabilities to their fullest. Both the design and appearance of the antenna are particularly pleasing. The 23 Federal Government agencies comprising the NCS will benefit from Mosley antenna's enhanced capabilities, alllowing us to better carry out our National Security and Emergency Preparedness telecommunications responsibilities. We don't hesitate to recommend Mosley antenna to other Federal agencies for their future needs."
W4ARM, Subject: Mini 32A Gary, I built and installed the Mini 32A on Sunday 9-1. Currently it is at the 25 feet level and the SWR curves are pretty typical of what is shown in the catalog and in the instruction sheet. Since final tuning, where we had to legthen the elements about 2.5" on each side from the specs in the manual, I have worked 34 countries on 20 and 15 CW and SSB, both at 100 watts and 500 watts in less than two days. Here is a small sample for you to get an idea of the performance from Miami, Florida: Antarctica, W. Samoa, Algeria, Surimame, Equador, Macedonia, Poland, Wales, Scotland, Zambia, Chagos Island and on and on. Signal reports are very good and so far with the small size I am getting big performance, and looking forward to putting this antenna to work in the next major contest. 73's, Alan W4ARM
KL7AK, "My first was a TA-33 (loved it) and now a MINI-32 (my land lord wanted a low-profile antenna). This makes my 3rd Mosley. You're great....plain and simple"
K9DJQ, MINI-33, "I have been a ham for over 40 years. I have used everything from dipoles, verticals, to 5 element mono-banders at 85 feet. I have to say that I an impressed with the MINI-33!! With only 100 watts and the antenna at 35 feet I have been able to work some really good DX even in pile ups, i.e.. HZ1AB, Z31ET, YU, VK, VP5, HA, UY, EW, etc., etc., in only a couple days. Your customer service and satisfaction is absolutely FIRST RATE!!! And so is your product. You have a loyal Mosley fan.
N6JRL, MINI-33-A, "I highly recommend this antenna for use when size and space requirements are critical. Thank you so much for a fine product."
N5EKC, MINI-33-A, " I just wanted to drop you a note and say how pleased I am with my MIN-33-A antenna. My first contacts were with western Siberia, England and Ireland and I only had the antenna up 15 feet while I was tuning it. It is a great product keep up the good work."
K5FDH, MINI-33-A, "I've just worked my 130th country using the MINI-33-A."
KK2J, MINI-32-A, "I am retired and will be hamming it up with my spare time. Thank you for a fine antenna and also for the accuracy of the claims in your ad, I was amazed."
WA2HMM, "Just thought you would like to know that my HIGH regard for Mosley products is still there. Please keep up the great work. I look forward to at least another 32 years of trouble free operation. In a few words, I think Mosley products are made to last.... PS. I want to thank Gary for all the help, and very nice attitude to a customer. Thanks!"
WH6I, "I entered the contest and had a great time. I obtained nearly 50% more contacts than I did last year, and about 10 more multipliers resulting in a score about 7,000 points greater than last year. Thanks and 73."
WB4CSK. "Just wanted you to know how much I've enjoyed and appreciated the reliability of the MP-33! Thanks to Mosley I am on top of the Honor Roll!"
KK5VL, "I recently purchased a MP-33-N-WARC. The antenna went together very easily and went up on the tower easily as well. It performs better than I expected. Both my solid state rigs like it. The SWR curves are as stated in your catalog. My Ameritron 811-H likes it also. My first contacts were SV1SL on 18 MHz and 9K2GS on 14 MHz. Both on first call. I like this antenna, it is built like a tank. Thank you for making such a fine product for the amateur market. I was worth the wait."
KD8ID, Original Message ----- From: To: Sent: Wednesday, June 16, 2004 8:48 PM Subject: Pro 96 Hi Gary: This is Ron Alexander in Lansing, Michigan. The Pro 96 has been up for a week now and I am very please with the results. I took down my old Pro 67B and it was in great condition after 14 years. The new antenna, as it should, is by far superb to the 67B. I wish I would have had the 96 years ago. My signal reports are great and I am usually told I have the stongest signal on the band. Thanks again for the fantastic antenna. This is my fourth Mosley since I have been licensed. The 96 is simply beautifullllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll!!! Keep up the good work. Ron KD8ID
HB9CIP, ----- Original Message ----- From:Daniele Christen To: Sent: Tuesday, June 08, 2004 12:35 PM Subject: PRO96-3 and S302 Antennas Hello Gary, Having experienced now quite 9 months dx and contest operating with our new PRO96-3 and S302 the only thing I can say it that both antennas performs superbly on all bands. Compared with the old PRO67c3, which have been now mounted in our contest QTH, both antennas shows a better performance. The S302 performs very good. Mecanically there is no comparison with HI-GAIN and KLM antennas. In the enclosed picture you can see the PRO96-3 and S302, in the middle of a phased Array for 80m and a Vertical for 160m, overviewing Muzzano Lake and Mount Lema in the southern Alps. (Picture to follow in a few days.) P.S. If I should one day upgrade the system, my choice could only be the new PRO96S. Best 73's from Dan, HB9CIP
KB9QAD, ----- Original Message ----- From: "Lewis, Rob (GE Advanced Materials)" To: Sent: Friday, March 26, 2004 11:59 AM Subject: Brag Letter Gary, The performance of my Pro 67C is amazing. I very rarely have to turn the amp on. Earlier this week, I heard stations, in the states talking with a friend in the Caribbean. They were commenting on how there 600-800 watts & nice antennas were holding out late in the evening. They said they could tell there were other stations on frequency, but were too weak to copy. I used 100 watts & was 5-9+ into the Caribbean, on 17 meters. Also the antenna is built to last. No thin tubing or cheap hardware here. You have always been available & courteous with any questions or concerns that I may have had. Looking forward to receive my Mosley 6 meter beam, recently ordered. Please find enclosed a picture of my Pro, at 70 feet, and keep up the good work. 73 de KB9QAD
From: Sent:Monday, December 15, 2003 9:14 PM Subject: Great Antenna! Gary, I got the PRO-67-C up today. What a great antenna! It loaded right up on all bands and performs great. I have simple antennas (dipoles and a ground plane) up for many of the bands with the ability to quickly switch between them for comparisons. The beam is really working! Thanks for a great antenna. 73, Steve Cerwin WA5FRF
GE folks especially Gary, Email shall serve as initial notification that I am sending a CD with JPG pictures of my Mosley PRO-67 mounted at 70 feet height which survived its seventh or so ice storm. I'm the original owner and the antenna has been up for many years since new. Of particular note is the fact that the ice storm occurred April 6, 2003 and lasted over a 3 to 4 day period to be subsequently finished with about 4" of snow. This is Spring in Washington Twp, Michigan (30 miles North of Detroit). The ice storm was touted as the worst hitting this area in 30 years. Over 200,000 people of Detroit Edison and Consumer's Power were without electricity, with up to 6 days outage. A tree even fell on our garage causing damage. The Mosley PRO-67 still flies proudly over my QTH. Thanks for the very well made product and enjoy the pictures. 73's Bill Rovas, WA1APX/8 Washington Twp, MI
KB9QAD, 3-26-04, Gary, The performance of my Pro-67-C is amazing. I very rarely have to turn the amp on. Earlier this week, I heard stations, in the states talking with a friend in the Caribbean. They were commenting on how there 600-800 watts & nice antennas were holding out late in the evening. They said they could tell there were other stations on frequency, but were too weak to copy. I used 100 watts & was 5-9+ into the Caribbean, on 17 meters. Also the antenna is built to last. No thin tubing or cheap hardware here. You have always been available & courteous with any questions or concerns that I may have had. Looking forward to receive my Mosley 6 meter beam, recently ordered. Please find enclosed a picture of my Pro, at 70 feet, and keep up the good work. 73 de KB9QAD
WA5FRF, I got the PRO-67-C up today. What a great antenna! It loaded right up on all bands and performs great. I have simple antennas (dipoles and a ground plane) up for many of the bands with the ability to quickly switch between them for comparisons. The beam is really working! Thanks for a great antenna. Monday, December 15, 2003 9:14 PM Steve.
KA7T, PRO-67-B, "First let me say how pleased I am with my PRO-67 beam. It has been in use for about 5 years or so and is great. A first class multi-band beam." 11-26-01
K9ZE, PRO-67-B, "Gary, I just wanted to take a moment to thank you again for all your help. It never seems (to me at least) to be enough to just say, "Thank You," when encountering an all-to-infrequent, positive experience with product support. I owned my own business for many years, and if there was anything I learned from it, it was the importance of maintaining an honest working rapport with customers. Actually, and concurrently, I also learned that no matter how good your quality control is, when your dealing with bits and pieces of metal and plastic - - something is always going to break (eventually). In my making an effort to keep this note of reasonable length, I'll just tell you that this is the fourth Mosley antenna I've owned over the years, and your company: with its customers, parts, and tech support, continues to amaze me. No matter how dumb my questions have been, or how difficult or weird my parts (needed) situation was, your company has always come through, supplying information and or parts needed to complete, or repair one of your antennas. Thanks to you and your company, the 67-B is back up in the air, looking for pile-ups to bust and new countries to confirm. It's great for a company that really does care about its products and its customers." 11-11-01
V2IAS, PRO-96, "It was a pleasure doing business with you on the telephone. I received my PRO-96 air freight in good condition. I checked the SWR on all bands and found it was almost flat on all bands and on both ends of all bands at the C.W. end and is almost 1:1 at 7,250 MHz. I have contacted at least 2,000 stations. My report is excellent at all times. I must congratulate you and say Mosley is on the top."
K1ER, PRO-96, "Many of the DXers buying are doing so after an exchange of electronic mail and usually several phone calls. You might be interested in some of the quotes: 1.) Sub: ICE, ICE, ICE and more ICE John there is justified increased interest in Mosley antennas around here (Minn.). We had a horrible ice/wind storm on Friday...6 days after my new PRO-57-B went up in the air. I spent Friday evening watching the thing whip around atop my tower, wondering when it was coming down, and thinking of all the work and $$$ that would be going down the drain. Well, it didn't come down! It is bowed under the weight of 1/2 to 3/4 inches of ice but doesn't appear to have been damaged by 50+ MPH winds that followed the ice storm... There were many antennas lost around here since Friday and it seems that Mosley has done everything right in their construction. I know another ham with a Mosley CL-36 that also has survived with no damage....2.) (Same ice storm) If anybody wants to know how other brands will stand up to 3/4" radial ice and 50 MPH winds, simply put, they're an ugly mess.." "My PRO-57-B at 92 feet was -5F this AM... not much ice melting. Mosley seems to be the antenna of choice around here after the ice storm." "PRO-96 Colorado, "I came out at sunrise this morning to shovel 6 inches of very wet snow to feed the birds. There was 2 to 3 inches of the same heavy snow on top of all the elements, boom, etc., of the PRO-96. So I just turned it back and forth 90 degrees a few times and shook off all the snow. I am still pleased with the performance on all six bands..."
K9FN, PRO-96, "I continue to love the antenna...By the way this antenna really draws a crowd when people hear what I\'92m using. Comments range from "Is it really that big? to, "Boy I wish I had one." My own feeling is that for the first time in my life I have found a multiband antenna worthy of my tower and my DX aspirations."
K4CJO, PRO-95, "In summary the PRO-95 has been a very strong performer and has met my expectations for a single antenna for 5 bands with mono band performance."
KC6NJX, PRO-95, "Thank you for all the good work you did on the PRO-95 antenna. It lives up to all my expectations. I wan to especially thank you for your patience when I called and asked for technical information and directions. Thanks again."
WK9Z, PRO-67-B "I have a 3 vertical switchable array on 40, the 67-B out performances the array by 3-5 S units on the long haul stuff and about 2 units into Europe. All in all, it's a fine product."
KM4P-W9FW-TU4EI-TU5EV, PRO-67-B "I had the pleasure of working over 270 countries in a 5 month period from West Africa... The reports were phenomenal. Since my return to the U.S. I have purchased a PRO-96."
WG0G, PRO-67-B, "I didn't think you could make a better antenna than my CL-36, but you sure did. The antenna has performed better than I thought it could...and it takes up no more space than my old tri-bander. Thanks for your continued manufacturing of quality, top performing antennas."
KQ4RS, PRO-67-B, "The assembly like all Mosleys, is simple. The SWR curves are exactly where your manual says they should be. As for the performance, I worked 3Y0PI on 10, 12, 15, 17, 20, and 40, both phone and cw. I have a well known 2 element full size 40 meter beam on another tower and the PRO-67-B out performed it! Thank all your people for a well made, efficient antenna.."
N5OON, PRO-67-B, "I want to thank your company, the PRO-67-B antenna is wonderful! The wait for delivery was worth it...I am going to have many years of enjoyment from it.."
N4PYD, PRO-67-B, "FABULOUS! Thanks again for building an exceptional product, keep up the good work."
W9RB, "My PRO-67-C does a good job on all bands from 40 to 10."
HB9JAW, PRO-67-B, "I am very happy to own a Mosley PRO-67-B. PS: HB9CNV and HB9JBL would never give away their PRO-67-B's, as well!"
HB9CIP, "My PRO-67-C is working very well! Compared with a vertical system with 60 buried radials on 40 meters the 67-C is 2 'S' units better. Great results! What a great antenna the PRO-67-C. We are ordering soon for our contest station another one soon."
N3XI, PRO-57-B "Bottom line is that I am extremely please with the performance of my PRO-57-B."
KB6JOX, PRO-57-B "Great job to everyone at Mosley! Thank you for my PRO-57-B."
N6WHV, TA-33-JR-N-WARC, "Wanted to let you know that the addition of a WARC kit to my TA-33-Jr. was a great success. The best part was putting the antenna on the air. Ten, fifteen, and twenty meters worked just as good as they always did, but I wasn't prepared for the improvement I found on 12 and 17 meters. I believe the TA-33-JR-N-WARC is today's best value in a 5 band beam."
KK7RP, TA-33-JR-N, "WOW!, what a great antenna. I had a XXX, it was a nightmare to keep tuned and never did work on 20 meters. My 33-Jr. works great even at 30 feet."
AA0CO, TA-33-JR, "Just thought I'd drop you a line and tell you how pleased I am with my JR. Also, everyone I talked to was very, very nice and knowledgeable. Thanks again."
NS7J, TA-33-JR-N-WARC, Mosley, "A Better Antenna", I agree with that!"
Ray Thompson, Original Message ----From:Thompson, Raymond L To: '' Sent:Wednesday, August 25, 2004 9:21 AM Subject: Great Beam, very pleased. Thanks so much for the TA33-M-WARC beam. Assembly was easy, all parts were included and the SWR is 1:1 on all bands. Thanks again.
W4WLC, Original Message ----- From: Dave To: Sent: Monday, March 01, 2004 12:49 PM Subject: TA-33-M-WARC with the 40 meter kit I finally got my TA-33-M-WARC with the 40 meter kit up Saturday. The beam is at about 65 feet. I am impressed! I went from a G5RV at 28 feet to this wonderful antenna. All bands work as advertised. What a great product. Dave Head W4WLC Lynn Haven, FL
AA8IN, TA-33-M-WARC with TA-40-KR, "I don't know the proper adjectives to use to express how pleased I am and how terrific your antenna performs. I purchased the TA-33-M-WARC with the TA-40-KR attachment in June of 2000 and was able to get my new addition up by the end of summer. It out performs my old tri-band beam (from a big name manufacturer) hands down. I am breaking through pile ups running barefoot (100w) when I always had to fire up the amp with the old antenna. I am amazed at how well the antenna performs on the WARC bands even though your specifications say there is no forward gain. You might want to check your figures again, because it sure performs more like a beam than a dipole. Last winter gave me a much better appreciation for the quality and strength of Mosley products. During one of the first snow storms we were blasted with a storm that had winds clocked in excess of 80 miles per hour. Not only did the antenna withstand the winds, it even survived the chimney cap from my stove ricocheting off of it. It was a long wait, but I know I have an antenna that gives me an advantage that I didn't have before and it is built to last for many years to come. Thanks for quality products and service."
KC6CEM, TA-32-M, "My QTH is plagued with problems where power lines, trees, metal patio covers and other similar conditions cause diminished antenna performance. In spite of these obstacles, the Mosley's performance has been truly astonishing. It consistently out-performs my 3 element mono bander on 10 meters and a 5 band vertical on 10-15-20 meters. The antenna is working so well I hardly have time to keep up with my QSLing. (P.S. Just had a wind storm with 60 MPH gusts that destroyed my 36 foot push up mast that the TA-32 was mounted on. To my surprise the Mosley survived the storm without a dent!)"
VU2PCD, TA-33-M, "I want to thank all the nice people at Mosley for the excellent support and personal attention that I got half way around the world. It was a pleasure to work with you."
WB2HYO, TA-33-M, "I still have my TA-33 that I bought in 1964. It has survived 3 installations and at my current address its been operating for the past 21 years. So altogether, my beam is 36 years old. I have only cleaned the traps ever so often and that's it for maintenance. I'd like to know if this is some kind of record of use for your antennas. It still works great!" (No this antenna is not the oldest in use without needing any parts, there is one from 1954 still going without being touched.)
OA8B, WD4CRB, TA-33-M, "I am a retired missionary having served in the Amazon jungle region of Peru, SA for 28 years. I studied electronics at Moody Bible Institute in Chicago, IL and graduated in 1956. I purchased a Mosley TA-33 in 1958 and used it for a year in Chicago. In 1959 we went to Peru to set up a missionary radio network for the missionaries working in Indian villages along the Ucayali River. I took my TA-33 with me and set up my ham radio station. My ham calls were OA3J and OA8B. We were in the hot, humid jungle for 28 years and my TA-33 never failed me. Thank you for producing such a durable and well engineered product."
V73EX, TA-33-M-WARC, "Three years ago I purchased your TA-33-M-WARC. My QTH is Majuro, Marshall Islands. The working conditions are hard on metal of any sort. Heavy salt spray covers all exposed surfaces and gusting winds are commonplace. Your antenna has performed to the highest standards and my signal reports are excellent. As you have already guessed, I am very pleased with my decision to purchase your unit. Thank you for adding to the pleasure of Ham Radio."
TA-34-XL & 34-XL-WARC
W5DJ, TA-34-XL-WARC, "Overall, I am well pleased with this antenna and can highly recommend it to other amateurs."
KD1OF, TA-34-XL, "It's a pleasure to make contacts with such strength and clarity..Your antenna was truly worth the wait. Keep up your high standard of quality."
A22MN-J52US-K8MN, TA-34-XL, "After 2 years of the hot , salty Freetown environment, the antenna looks nearly new and has been in service in Botswana for over a year. A brand XXX antenna up for the same time looked and acted like it was up for 20 years. The performance of the Mosley TA-34-XL is great. The Old Man, Carl Mosley, would have been proud.
Hello sir, My name Antonio (TONI) CU3FV I live in middle of the Atlantic Ocean, between Europe and the USA, in Azores archipelago, Terceira Island. The wind in my island is not easy. After the storm Tania and Charlie, 180Km/h, I don’t have problems with my TA-53-M. I am extremely pleased with my MOSLEY TA-53-M. Sorry my ingles Antonio (TONI) CU3FV TERCEIRA ISLAND AZORES
K9CJM, TA-53-M, "I have been a ham since 1956 and have drooled over your products since the very beginning. About a year ago I asssembled and positioned a new beam, the TA-53-M. First let me address the assembly process: It went like clock work. All of the parts and the directions were in tact and were easy to follow. No problems in the entire process. Now to the good stuff. I have enjoyed using the antenna for the past year as I have never enjoyed an antenna before.The antenna is literally flat on all bands and for a good share of the time I operated at the 100 watt level. I was competitive with the "big boys" most of the time. Since that time I treated myself to a new rig. The Ten-Tec Omni-VI Plus and the Centurion Amplifier were added and what a dream come true. Now I can work virtually all I can hear. To say that I am happy with my hamming is a complete understatement. I am as excited as I was when I was 16 years old and I am a believer in Mosley products. Thanks for the greatest year of hamming that I ever had." 11-25-01
N3RW, TA-53-M, "I am extremely pleased with my TA-53-M. I've been licenced for 42 years; I've used an assortment of home brew yagis, wires and verticals during that time. The TA-53-M is only the second commercial HF yagi that I've had. Congratulations on a job well done."
K8RGE, TA-53-M, "I want to let you folks know about how very please I am with my beam...In addition, I have had a number of QSO's with other owners who share my positive experiences and opinions of the antenna. My first yagi was a TA-33 back in 1959, and it appears they just keep getting better."
W2BXA, TA-53-M, "I am not a new ham since I have been active on the air since 1929, and I have had just any kind of antenna over these many years...I am not one to hesitate to tell a manufacturer what I think of his product and that is the reason for this letter. At the very first check I was very pleased to see the SWR low on all the bands no matter what frequency was selected. All my life I have been accused of being a DX hound so went to work to check the performance of this new antenna, and must say I am pleased with its performance in every respect. For some reason the station I call invariably returns to me even in good size pile ups. After 4 months of trials, I am most pleased."
VE6JAC, TA-53-M, "I am pleased with the construction and performance. The SWR is just as your catalog stated."
N9ROR, TA-53-M, "Best investment I made in ham radio."
KR4BQ, TA-53-M, "Thanks for making such a well engineered, high quality, effective antenna."
KE6HD, TA-53-M, "Wanted to drop you a note commending you on a great antenna. It is also nice to work with a company with accessible and competent customer support."
WA4SZD, TA-53-M, "I have been in ham radio since the mid 70's, and have owned several brands of antennas. About 10 years ago I purchased a TA-33 on the recommendation of my father-in-law, a ham for 50 years, his comment was, "You can't go wrong with a Mosley." He was right. In February I upgraded to a TA-53-M along with a TA-40-KR for forty meters. Needless to say the performance of the antenna is short of miraculous. I consistently receive excellent signal reports, even when the band is in poor condition. Shortly after having the beam we had hurricane Andrew. Winds were in excess of 100 to 115 MPH for over two hours. When the storm was over I expected to find my antenna a few blocks away. But I looked up at the tower and there it was completely intact, not even an element bent! I cannot say that for other hams in the area that didn't have a Mosley. It is gratifying to find an American company, using American labor and raw materials to manufacture a superior product. Please extend my congratulations to everyone at Mosley!"
Thanks to all those who have written us, we appreciate your kind words and support. We wish we could show everyone's letter that was sent to us. We have received thousands and there just isn't enough room. All of us at Mosley have enjoyed reading them all. They mean a lot to us! If you have a Mosley story, send us a letter we would like to hear from you. 73, Mosley Staff.
Info on the MINI's
Here is a picture of a MINI-33-A-WARC we just received (2-24-03) from K7JJ.
(Dave comments, "I have worked over 3,000 contacts since May, 2002. Mostly in contest using all modes.
The antenna is about 24 feet off the ground; maybe 12 foot above the roof of the trailer. The rotor is mounted on the ground and turns the entire mast.")
Using the Mosley Mini 33A 3 Element beam on Baker Island
I was chosen as a team member for the Baker Island DXpedition.When I planed my trip to Baker Island I would have the opportunity to travel via Fiji and Tuvalu on the way to Baker Island I made plans to stay on Tuvalu and operate for 3 days going and one day on the return trip.
I needed a portable beam for my trip and choose the Mosley Mini 33A beam because it was small and very light weight.I needed it small enough to fit in my golf case where the portapole, coax, rope guys and other antenna stuff goes.
I contacted Gary at Mosley and he was more than happy to help with my requirements. I had him cut the boom in half so it would be no longer than 3 foot. He sleeved it to make assemble possible using the mounting plate U bolts. I further modified the antenna by cutting the long end tubes down so they would be no longer than 47 inches and sleeved it for reassembly later using screws. My golf case can only carry 48 inch long objects.
After the modifications I tested the antenna and made some adjustments to the driven element length to bring the SWR down to acceptable levels. I did not have time to tune the driven or reflector for optimum performance as recommended in the manual.
I arrived in Tuvalu and erected the Mini 33A beam atop a portapole that I modified to add an additional 6 feet of height. Rolf Kopeke, the owner of the Hide Away Guesthouse, helped me erect the beam on the portapole in 15 minutes.
I assembled the station consisting of an Icom IC756 Pro II, soundcard interface and computer and started working the bands. I worked a little over 1100 contacts using CW, RTTY and PSK and had good signal reports all around. I turned the beam using my hands with ease.
The Princess II arrived and I partially dissembled the antenna by removing the three elements and taped it all together for transport to the ship. It was loaded on the top deck along side the other antennas and masts for the trip to Baker.
After three days at sea we arrived at Baker Island late in the afternoon. We only had time before dark to erect the Mosley Mini 33A, an MA5B and my 40 meter dipole. The first night we used what we could until the morning when we could set up our camps in earnest.
I was in charge of the southern camp nicked named “Camp David” by the boat crew. Our task was to run RTTY, PSK, SSTV and WARC CW and SSB. The Mosley Mini 33A was used exclusively for RTTY, PSK and SSTV using only 100W from the IC 756 Pro II radio.
The antenna held up very well to the rainsqualls, birds and wind. Not once did the elements get twisted even though 5 Boobie birds were sitting on the antenna at the same time. Everything was bending but when the birds left the beam and pole sprung back to normal.
When it was all said and done we made 4708 QSO’s on RTTY, about 500 on PSK and 75 on SSTV using the Mini 33A. The antenna held up well to the elements, birds and preformed well.
I would like to thank Gary and the team at Mosley for their support and helping with my special requests. I will consider Mosley for my next DXpedition anytime.
See Ya’ll on the bands.
Dave, KW4DA, T2DA, 3D2CW
Asheville, NC
We are receiving some great reports back on our MINI-33-A. Here is one of many. It truely is an amazing little antenna! We will gradually get everyones picture and letter on the news page. Thanks for sending them in to us.
From the Mini-33-A to a "SIX" times bigger antenna the PRO-96-3!
This is a 9 element which has 6 active elements on 10 meters. It has 4 wide spaced elements on 12, 15, 17, and 20 meters. Plus 3 elements on 40 meters.
This antenna is use around the world in all kinds of enviroments and conditions. Since 1991 it has been the leader in "Big Performing" multi-band beams.
Its 36' boom and elements have stood up against hurricane Andrew and Hugo, and fought off the ice and snow of the far north in Russia.
If you want one feed line, one tower, one rotor, and all the bands with a "BIG" signal, then this is the one for you!
(Not responsible for broken S meters!) Hi Hi.