SF-402-A & TA-54-XL
From: Bob
Sent: Tuesday, September 01, 2020 7:32 AM
Subject: Mosley Stack VK3SX
Hello Folks,
Just a short note to update my Mosley Antenna system here in Gunbower, Northern Victoria Australia.
Very happy with the configuration and performance in the bottom of the Sunspot Cycle 2020.
These antennas have stood proudly during some very windy and inclement weather at my Ranch.
Thanks to all the good folk at Mosley and may you all stay safe from
Covid19 .
Cheers Bob Robinson VK3SX
Gunbower , Australia
From: Raphaël Simons
Sent: Monday, October 19, 2020 2:09 PM
Subject: Re: Please your Technical Help/advice
Hi Gary,
Here i'm again :-)
Many thanks for the spare-parts for the Mosley Mini-33A.
I did the cuttings already and the result was that I had to cut 5 cm at each side of the antenna, including the reflector and the director.
I installed the antenna with the coax balun and you can find the swr results in the table below.
For now I will stop with the antenna work because it gets colder and colder and not a good idea to climb on the tower anymore this year.
This was a test in FT8 ( beam in direction to the west) on saturday 17 october 2020 so the antenna is working!
I wish you a nice day and many thanks for your advises!
I look forward for your reply!
Best 73's
From: Darrell Goularte
Sent: Monday, October 19, 2020 12:52 PM
Subject: Re: Sales Order from MEI - Mosley
Good morning Melissa,
Just wanted to send a quick note, that the TA-33jr showed up in excellent condition.
Looks like you folks been doing this for a while...
As I was an engineering technician with NASA for 36 years, I worked on many prototype designs and fabrication.
I was extremely happy with the fabrication, design and packing of such a fine antenna.
It went together with ease, with all parts marked and fit that was perfect... Just starting to play with it today and so far, looks to be More that I expected, Happy - Happy - happy.....
Thanks and 73'
Darrell N7ZRZ
From: Stuart Heathcock
Sent: Saturday, October 17, 2020 7:59 AM
Subject: RE: Sales Receipt from MEI - Mosley Electronics
Just to say the traps arrived Wednesday.
Many thanks for your quick service.
From: John P
Sent: Saturday, October 17, 2020 2:51 PM
Subject: Photo of TA-33JR w/WARC from K7SKI
Many thanks to Chad for answering my question the other day.
Very impressed with the quality of materials, and construction. Very, very pleased with the performance of the antenna!
Thanks, Mosley!
From: Xavier Alfonso Pantoja Ruiz
Sent: Monday, October 12, 2020 4:57 PM
Subject: Maintenance to a 60 year old TA Mosley 33 JR.
I have just finished giving maintenance to a my 60 year old tribander, and once it was completely disasembled all that was needed was cleaning the elements with soap and and wáter including the traps.
Once it was assembled according to the original dimensions taking care to place the traps according to the instructions and cleaning all the connections from the outlet of the radio to the the connection to the antenna the resulting swr readings with my mfj analyzer the results were 10 m 1:1.2, 15 m 1: 1.2 20m 1:1.
The antenna is 122 feet above ground and all contacts from my shack to some south pacific islands including Tasmania and New Hebridis were above S9 with only 75 watts output .
Obviously propagation helped a lot.
I am ok in qrz.com for some personal information and some pictures of my shack ans some equipment.
My call is XE1IZ
Xavier (Mr. X)
From: John Raifsnider
Sent: Thursday, September 24, 2020 8:09 AM
Subject: Pro67-B
I had the good fortune to purchase two of what I consider to be the best quality Amateur products, as used.
As a complete system I bought a Heights 70 foot motorized tilt over tower with the Mosley Pro 67-B multi band Yagi.
The antenna was originally bought in October 1992 and shipped to Largo Florida.
Later shipped to North Central Lower MI.
Florida salt air, Michigan winters solid engineering!
Installed at my location, South Western, Lower MI where it resides today atop the Heights Tower. Twenty eight years old and still an amazing performer!
Thank You Mosley
John Raifsnider/W8JER
Michele Raifsnider/KE8ASK
From: Bruce Wade
Sent: Sunday, September 13, 2020 1:19 PM
Subject: RE: Mosley RV-7C, VE1NB
Hello Mosley:
I took the antenna down to access the traps, and have a closer look at the rubber boots on the top of the traps. These are all intact. I did find water coming out of the bottom of the 30 (top trap), and 17 (middle trap).
I also noted the rubber sleeve on the top part of the rubber boot wasn’t “tight”? I believe moisture was able to wick down through this into the traps. So, I “sealed” them by wrapping these boots/caps with stretchy self sealing tape, etc. After doing this, I have found that the traps aren’t as badly affected by rain or fog. Therefore doing this improved the situation.
I’m impressed with this antenna. I like its performance, and the fact it covers 40 to 10 meters easily. I was also impressed with how it was boxed for shipping, and how it was marked, labelled, etc for putting it together. Well done.
Chat soon
Brgds 73 de Bruce
From: KS4R
Sent: Monday, August 17, 2020 12:24 PM
Subject: Super 33 SWR Plots on a 40ft universal tower in Mesa, Az
Antenna set to code II
SWR plots are from a FLEX 6400M using SWRplotter6K by K9DUR V3.2.1
Excellent antenna!
Amazing FtoB and FtoS rejection.
MP-33-N WARC / TA-40-KR
From: stephen lett
Sent: Saturday, August 08, 2020 12:14 PM
Subject: Customer Testimonial
I purchase my Mosley MP-33-N-WARC with the 40-Meter conversion kit on May 19, 2020 and it was delivered to my Florida home on July 27, 2020 right on the schedule they gave me when I placed the order. I purchased my first Mosley antenna, a TA-33-Jr.-N-W, on March 28,2012. I am getting ready to place an order for another Mosley antenna for my summer home in Harbor Springs, MI.
I am a loyal Mosley customer because I trust them and the consistency of their products. The quality of their products is excellent. A few days ago, I completed assembling my Mosley MP-33. I dreaded opening the carton and putting it together. Much to my surprise, the assembly was so easy thanks to their color coding. I am not a very technical operator and I anticipated issues. I was worried about nothing because I had no issues. It went together so fast I couldn’t believe it.
The other thing I want to comment on is their people. When I call Mosley, I get a real person within a couple of rings. No hold time; no waiting. The Mosley team are all very nice and patient when answering my questions. I have never felt they are trying to make a quick sale. There is never any pressure or hard-sell. They want satisfied customers. And, they do not rush the call.
There are no short-cuts or cutting corners with Mosley. If you want a beam for a lifetime, Mosley is it.
Thank you,
Steve Lett
From: Keith
Sent: Thursday, July 30, 2020 3:16 PM
Subject: Re: Mosley TA-33-M 3 element antenna MSP
Thanks Gary for your quick reply.
I decided on the Mosley antenna because I had read many reports praising the MP33N .
This was my first choice but it was not immediately available in the U K. The fact that you have an unbroken record over many years of manufacturing first class antennas was the deciding factor in choosing Mosley.
After giving the antenna a series of tests, as I have already said, I am very pleased with its performance and together with your reply to my minor doubts reassured me that I made the right choice.
May I comment on one thing. I have been involved in amateur radio since 1951 and I find it strange having to decide on setting the optimum length of the element to middle of the top or bottom section of the band. Perhaps this due to having a wider band in the USA. I suggest that It would be helpful if antennas intended for sale in the UK had pre drilled holes for the centre band.
Kind regards,
Keith G4GUK
From: Gary White
Sent: Wednesday, July 22, 2020 6:26 AM
Subject: Re: Still having problems with my TA-63M/N
Thanks for all your assistance. After cleaning up the Q match connections (one on the ground side of the 40/20/15/10 element was very corroded and loose) and replacing 3 cracked antenna mounts I'm happy to say the intermittent SWR om my TA-63M 'seems' to have been tamed.
You are a credit to the amateur radio industry. Your patience, professionalism, and advice finally got me on the right path to correcting the problem.
For the time being I'm leaving the beam in the 63M configuration. Maybe when it gets cooler here in Texas in the fall I'll make the conversion to the current N dimensions and spacings.
Gary White W5GW
From: AI4WM
Sent: Wednesday, July 15, 2020 9:48 AM
Subject: RV-4C Testimonial
This is the one commercially made vertical amaterur radio antennas I can brag about.
I bought my RV-4C from a local ham. I don't know its age. I do know construction is excellent. Compared to the other brands this is not the Cadillac, but it is the Roll Royce or Mercedes Benz.
I live in an antenna restricted area. This antenna fits the requirement of being easy to deploy, and it works great even at this low point of the sunspot cycle.
2 years ago I used a competitor's antenna for Field Day. It took more work to put up and resonate, even though I had it up previously. It also did not work as well as the RV-4C.
This year I used an RV-4C. Quickly assembled and raised on one of my speaker stands. I deployed 4 counterpoise radials as stated in the manual. I only operated QRP and had more contacts than in 2019 running 100W.
I've since used it at night and on week ends (times when I don't need approval for a portable antenna). In the short time I have it up I have already worked 30 states and 18 countries since Field day.
Pending approval I hope to install the RV-4C behind the house. Until then I'll use it portable.
I confidently recommend this antenna to others due to its high quality and excellent performance.
From: W9KD
Sent: Thursday, June 04, 2020 2:47 PM
Subject: Comments about Mosley and Customer Service
To: Fellow Hams
I just hung up the phone from talking with Chad at Mosley Electronics about obtaining parts for my old Mosley TA-33 jr. beam that has been in storage for over 40 years. Sort of a “barn find” type thing. It was missing several hardware pieces and needed new screws, bolts, brackets, caps, etc. Chad was very helpful and patient with me as we went over my parts lists and made sure I was ordering the exact correct parts. I felt like I was talking with a buddy from down the street, not a "corporation" person.
I plan to get this antenna in good shape in time for Field Day for our local club, then make it available for other field set-ups. This is but one of four Mosley beams I have owned over the past 56 years. I currently have a Classic 33 that has been up for 35 years and has gone through a major ice storm that caused the elements to droop severely and several severe mid-west winters. That antenna has not been down since I first put it up and it still looks and works as good as new. The elements are not bent, or slewed out of alignment.
Here is what I can tell you about Mosley Electronics:
1. They are an American company and self-owned. There is not "parent company". They call their own shots. As a result, they are not pressured to compromise quality for the sake of shaking out more profit.
2. As nice and helpful as they are, you probably won't have the opportunity to talk with their customer service / parts dept. people because things just don't go wrong with these antennas. Oh, if your tower blows over and damages your antenna or, if like me, you put it away for years and then can't find all the parts when it is time to put it back together, then you may need to give them a call. How many things do you have that you can still get parts for, from the original manufacturer, 30-40 years after you bought it!
Hint: If you see a used Mosley antenna for sale at a hamfest flea market, even if it is missing some parts, not to worry. You can get the parts needed to get it back working like new. Don't miss an opportunity for a bargain.
3. When they say these beam antennas are easy to put together, they are not kidding. You don't have to do any tuning or complex assembly of parasitic elements, etc. The elements and traps have color codes that tell you what fits with what. If the color codes have worn off, you can figure out what-is-what by simply looking at the measurements in the instruction manual (available online if you buy a used one without the assembly pamphlet).
4. Unless you like pulling your beams down to the ground every two or three years to fix or adjust things, then these Mosley beams are the way to go. Very trouble free.
5. Pricing: They may not be the cheapest antennas on the market, but keep in mind they are very high quality and, most likely, you are not going to have to spend a penny on repairs or take it down for adjustments for, ...well, I don't know how many years. I am over 35 years with my CL-33 and still going. I am guessing my coax will go bad before the antenna does. Remember when you bought something "Made in USA" and you knew it was made with the best materials and craftsmanship available anywhere in the world and built to last? Well, Mosley still holds those kind of American values.
I don't know anyone at Mosley and this was the first time I had a need to call them. So, this is an honest assessment of the company. 5-stars !
73 de John, W9KD
Noblesville, IN
From: Peter Helder
Sent: Tuesday, May 26, 2020 8:55 AM
Subject: Re: Wrong parts received
Not a problem, you fixed it quickly, the old pro67a looks brand new and works like charm.
I hope the pictures are an encouragement to keep on making awesome antennas, they are build like a tank and looks awesome.
From: Peter Helder
Sent: Sunday, May 24, 2020 8:09 AM
Subject: Re: Wrong parts received
Thank you for correcting the shipment
The antenna is completely restored, installed and works awesome
I made some element support guy with philly stren to minimize the sagging.
Thanks again,
From: armando martins
Sent: Wednesday, May 13, 2020 10:06 AM
Subject: MINI33AW
Just like to say that i964 I acquire a TA33 in my native ANGOLA where I had a call sign CR6IL. That antenna serve me well until the time I move so South Africa.
Everything come down 1968 and all pack and all on the move to Johannesburg.
After another 3 years I decide to move to Swaziland where I had a call sign ZD5E and I was there for 1 year and half than I move back to South Africa (Cape Tower) Where I sold TA33 Move out of SA to UK and my ham radio was put on old until I decide that was time to get back on to radio ham, After trying some antennas I decide that MOSLEY was the antenna and got a MINI TA33AW because of space.
At the begin I was not very please because I was haven problems with it. I contact the UK dealer. He try to help but not very sympathetic with my problems (broken trap coil). Contact Mosley in USA spoken to a guy called CHAD and voila, problem fix new trap send free of charge and replaced and again on air doing DX’s. 2019 I had another problem with center pieces for the drive elements which both broken so there was another call to MOSLEY, and after explain my situation I was told by GARY that I had to buy 2 new center pieces because the warranty had ended. So I did, they arrive and there was me again on air.
Two days ago 11/05/2020 another problem with the antenna, again the 2 center pieces broken again because very strong wind. There was another call to MOSLEY explain my bad luck and again CHAD and Gary where there to help.
Mosley after service is very good and both guys are very helpfully in help with anything is throw at the help desk.
Please guys keep up the good service for the benefit of our hobby for a long time to come.
Martins = CR6IL = ZD5E = CR6IL = M0PAM
From: Richard d'Avy
Sent: Tuesday, April 28, 2020 3:38 PM
Subject: One tough antenna
Just wanted to let you know the Pro-57B I bought from you in January not only survived a hail storm with baseball size hail on April 11th but lats night April 27th a severe thunderstorm with 70 mile per hour gusts measure at the airport about a mile from here. It seems to be one tough antenn I'm working 15 meter DX right now on it. :)
Take care.
Richard d'Avy, N5YPJ
From: George
Sent: Monday, April 13, 2020 2:37 PM
Subject: Mosley TA-63-N
Being involved with Ham Radio over 40 years, Mosley has been there throughout. This is my third Mosley beam over the years. Just want to thank you for continuing to manufacture antennas with quality beyond ones expectations.
The TA-63-N went together without a hitch.
All components were a perfect fit. The antenna tuned as specifications indicated with wonderful coverage on the specified bands.
Thank you again for an awesome design and uncompromised quality.
George, K4GVT
From: Richard d'Avy
Sent: Tuesday, April 14, 2020 10:34 AM
Subject: Mosley owner question
I bought a Pro-57B from you all in Dec. 2019 received it in Jan. 2020.
On 04/11 we had a terrible hail storm with 3 inch - baseball size hail.
The Pro-57B seems unfazed by it but our roof not so much so and will need replacement.
My question, we would like to put a metal roof I am concerned if it would affect the performance of my Pro-57B. The antenna is at approximately 35 feet above ground, our roof is 8 to 9 ft above ground - about 25 ft between roof and antenna. The tower is on one side of the house so at any one time about half of the antenna is above roof.
Would appreciate any insight or advice you might offer.
PS: The Pro-57B kicks butt! :)
Richard d'Avy
From: wntrprt
Sent: Monday, April 13, 2020 10:05 AM
Subject: One tough antenna
Toughest antenna made!
Dennis Goddard KC1DXD
Winterport, ME
From: wntrprt
Sent: Monday, April 13, 2020 10:05 AM
Subject: One tough antenna
Thought you would enjoy some pictures of my Pro 67B in this last wet snow/ice storm in Maine.
One tough antenna that replaced my old TA 36.
Dennis Goddard KC1DXD
Winterport, ME
From: tmanley
Sent: Sunday, April 12, 2020 8:33 PM
Subject: Spare Parts for Mosley RV-4C
Hi Mosley
I have Mosley RV-4C Vertical Aerial it has served me well. Thank you for making a great product.
Terry Manley
Chipping Norton NSW
From: OTB
Sent: Friday, March 20, 2020 6:26 AM
Subject: TA-33-JR-N
Hi all,
Recently I bought a TA-33-JR-N Yagi. Amazing construction, very very solid.
I used to have a Cushcraft A3S, but compared to the Mosley, it is a toy fabrication.
Now I do have the manual, but I can not figure out the inch measures. Is there a manual with metric measures?
Thanks in advance.
Paul Glaser
TA-33-M & TA-40-KR
From: eads
Sent: Wednesday, March 25, 2020 11:21 PM
Subject: TA 33 M
Love my TA-33-M with TA-40-KR add on.
Always get great reports.
Best antenna made!
W5COE James Eads
Killeen, Texas
From: John Taber
Sent: Tuesday, March 17, 2020 10:01 AM
Subject: Thank You
Just wanted to let you know how satisfied I am with the Mini-33 AW antenna I purchased from you.
It took a lot of tweaking to get it tuned correctly (my thanks to Gary for his assistance in explaining in simple terms the dynamics of the process). With the beam mounted sixty feet up I have reached 29 countries from Lithuania to Japan on 100 watts.
Thanks for a quality antenna at a reasonable price! and for Gary’s assistance.
Best Wishes,
John Taber
Godley! TX
30+ Year TA-34-M and TA-40-KR Still going Strong!
Mosley TA-34-M and TA-40-KR from the 1980s still going strong!
From: Lem KH6LEM
Subject: TA-33
I dont know how far your records go back but in 1963 I bought a Mosley TA33 new from you for $ 99.99.
The antenna was used until last year by another ham in Hawaii.
Mosley Quality
From: Dave K7YDZ
Subject: antenna satisfaction
I have been a ham for 49years and I have used Mosley beams for 47 years. My first was a TA-33 and my newest one is a TA-53-M and they have all worked extremely well and it doesn't seem to make any difference about how much power I run. I always get great signal reports. My TA-33 was sold to another ham and I absoluyely loved it and my TA53-M I love also and I have had it for 16 years and it works just as well as it did brand new.
Thanks for such great products.
From: Stewart N1NOL
Subject: A-503
Hi guys, I am an avid 50 mhz operator with a very very limited budget I have a 503-S as my primary antenna.
The antenna has been up over 20 years and it is like new, works like new too.
Great job!
DI-6 & TA-33
From: Bill AE3J
Subject: DI-6
My DI-6 has performed well over the thirty eight years that I have used it. The antenna has been in continuous service moving to different station locations as well as portable use. I take it down and disassemble it for cleaning and inspection periodically. Other manufacturers do not make products with the quality that I have found in the Mosley antennas that I have used over the years.
I also have a 1977 TA-33 in continuous service it also receives periodic servicing and it just keeps working. In 1979, I purchased a Mosley four band trap vertical for portable and field day use. This antenna is still in daily use by a ham in western NY state.
From: Bill And Jane Ferry
Subject: Re: My TA33
I purchased this TA33 antenna new from you in 1972. It has been up on my tower all those years with the exception of two QTH moves where it was down for about 6 months.
It's been the best money I ever spent in Ham Radio bar none! The only parts changed was 10 years ago I changed the drive element insulators.
Thank you, One Happy Owner, Bill Ferry K1BZM
From: Ghassan OD5YA
Subject: PRO-67-B
Dear Sales dept.
First allow me to relate to you a small piece of history. In 1994, I was living in Colombia, and I purchased a Mosley 67B with a 40 mts add in kit, that was in stalled in Pereira, at 1600mts of altitude. It survived 2 7richter+ earthquakes and several hurricane strength sheer wind of the tropics. NEVER EVER in my 40 years of radio ham have I used a better and more rugged antenna. I was operating as HK6SQQ at the time. Now, I am relocated to Beirut Lebanon, operating as OD5YA, and I wish to purchase a small antenna because of local urban regulations and reduced space.
Once again I thank you for your great product.
From: W3WKX
Subject: TA33 up 37 years
My TA33 has been up in air for 37 years and still going strong. I never had any problem with it at all. It never had to be taken down for service.
Before that, I had TA 33 JR for about 25 years and never had problem.
From: Tony W4TYB
Subject: MINI-33-AW
My QTH is on Tybee Island, GA which is a barrier island off the coast of Savannah. My lot is small here and I only have about 15’ between my property and my neighbors on three sides. We also have a height limitations on the island. So, the Mini-33 is a great solution for me.
73 Tony Abruzzio W4TYB
From: Diego Ponce de Leon
Sent: Thursday, June 21, 2018 7:08 AM
Subject: TA-53-M
Just on air!
Best 73’s
Diego CX4DI
From: Michael Knight
Sent: Friday, January 04, 2019 7:11 PM
To: Mosley Electronics, Inc.
Subject: Re: Sales Order 105991 from MEI - Mosley
I have the TA-33 installed and it's nothing short of magnificent. It works beautifully.
I suggested to buy a Mosley to a friend and he acquired a used TA33 Jr. It's complete except for the element mounts (EM1061- 2 each) and clamping blocks (CB1266 -5 each). I would appreciate it very much if you could make sure I'm correct with the part numbers (they were just called No, 41, and No. 44 in the instruction manual) and quote a price for the parts.
Thank you very much,
From: Denis VE2NY
Subject: TA-33-JNW
I just finish my Antenna set-up and I am very pleased with my Mosley TA-33 JRNW
From: Eric
Subject: TA-34-XLW
Hello, Just wanted to say thanks for making a great product. My TA-34-XL WARC was purchased in mid 1991 and has been relocated once from Farmington Hills, Mi. and moved to New Baltimore, MI. (60 miles) where it still is going strong.
Best Regards,
Eric Styles KD8BNB

From: WA6REI
Subject: PRO-67-B
Friends at Mosley Electronics, WA8REI of Freeland, MI here. I've had a pro 67 B at 48 feet for nearly 6 1/2 years now. I bought it used from a silent key's estate in Atlanta, GA. I have no idea how old it is. All traps were disassembled and cleaned, as well as all tubing connections prior to installation. The tower is guyed at 25 and 46 feet by 3 massive, commercial grade guy anchors and 3/8 inch wire rope. the tower base is on a 5 x 5 foot concrete slab, 3 feet thick. I have a Yaesu GS-065 thrust bearing roughly 2 feet below the boom of the "monster Mosley" which greatly reduces the load on the rotator. The mast sits snugly inside the tower top section and is well lubricated with all-temperature grease. I have used a hy-gain ham iv rotator with absolutely no issues. i do not attempt to rotate the antenna in a windstorm! duh! In 6 1/2 years, the antenna performs like new. It has withstood 65 mph winds, rain, snow and ice storms. the 40 m. elements have a little droop, but really perform. I run only 100 watts, no amp, but bust many DX pileups. I often run 5 watts QRP in contests or sprints and have many winning plaques and certificates. The antenna is resonant on 6 meters and performs well on that band with no dedicated elements.
I am glad to see Mosley ads in QST after a long hiatus. Young hams know nothing of Mosley quality antennas UNLESS THEY ARE TOLD THROUGH ADS OR HAMS WHO OWN THEM. I'm sure many old timers like me have heard of the TA-33 or TA-33 JR just by word of mouth from AM, SSB or CW operators!
"HERE'S THE ORIGINAL! NONE BETTER HAS EVER BEEN MADE!" I'll vouch for that! I'd take a Mosley over a Steppir [with more wind load] any day.
Thanks to all employees for designing and making an excellent product.
Customer Service / Product Support
Sent: Wednesday, April 17, 2019 8:22 AM
To: Mosley Electronics, Inc.
Subject: Fwd: Re: TW-33-M query
Nj Tim
I wrote I'd write back regarding removal of the extensions.
It took me only minutes to remove them!
I must say it was the advice you give with every antenna to use the
conductive grease for every joint. As I had only partially dismantled with
re-erection in mind, I was skeptical. But they slid out with just a small
Evey purchaser of your antennas should do it to ensure complete dismantling if ever needed.
That's why all of my HF antennas are Mosley's.
Well done!
SF-402-A & TW-33-XL
Sent: Tuesday, March 26, 2019 4:50 AM
To: mosley@mosley-electronics.com
Subject: TW-33-M & SF-402-A
Hi There,
Before asking my question I would like to say what an excellent antenna is
the Shorty Forty. I finally put it up at 15m and it has transformed my 40m
working. For example today I was 59+ into California at my dawn, as usual. I realize it's a reduced size antenna but the increase in performance from my previous antennas on 40m it great.
Now comes my query. I have a TW-33 as numbered above.
At present it is down. The question is: Can I run it without the extensions for 30m? I don't use 10MHz, so it will not be a great loss to me.
I realize I'll have to protect the traps. FYI I made a two-element 12m/17m beam using some Mosley traps from a 20/15/10m tribander. Of course, I had to re-tune them. It was great: until I got the TW33-M.
The TW-33 is even better. I sold my home-brew for a good price!
As I wrote above, can I leave off the extensions for 10MHz?
Technical Support & Customer Service
From: Barixs
Subject: THANK YOU
Hello Tim, Thank you very much for the wonderful support and techinal advices regarding my TA33 and MY144. They working very good and nice SWR. Best regards to all and to Melissa too.
All the best MOSLEY!!!!
From: W3WKX
Subject: TA33 up 37 years
My TA33 has been up in air for 37 years and still going strong. I never had any problem with it at all. It never had to be taken down for service.
Before that, I had TA 33 JR for about 25 years and never had problem.
From: Bill Mullin AA4M
Sent: Wednesday, May 08, 2019 1:09 PM
Subject: TA-54-XLN-6
I've finished installing my TA-54-XLN-6, without the 40 or 30 meter upgrades, and must say that it is working like a champ! With the antenna at 55', I'm now working DX that I could barely hear on my OCF dipole!
Bill Mullin
Mosley Parts & Service
From: Art VE4AK
Sent: Tuesday, April 23, 2019 3:46 PM
Subject: Re: replacement documents TA-33-JR
Good Afternoon Melissa ( Mosley )
Received your reply and attachment, very much appreciated! Once again Mosley Electronics Inc, has provided prompt & great service when requested! Your TA-33-JR has been a true performer since 1975, and needed some TLC, and recent repairs all is good here in Winnipeg, Manitoba Canada.
Thank you so very much!
From: Joe WA4JUK
Sent: Saturday, June 08, 2019 2:18 PM
Subject: Mosley Antennas
Just thought I would update you on two antennas with photos. The second is an MP-33N installed 1994. Still in operation with world wide results. The first is a Classic 203 installed 2017. It directs my 20 meter signal with pile up busting world wide results.
73 DE Joe WA4JUK
From: Gary Smith
Sent: Tuesday, December 25, 2018 12:06 PM
To: Mosley
Subject: Picture of TA-34 xl Beam
Attached is a picture of one of your TA-34 xl warc beams on my tower at fifty-five feet. Tower is US tower monopole set in a concrete base, forty inches square, six feet deep.
Twenty-one years old and still performs like the day it was installed!
Mosley antennas, THE good stuff.
From: Bill AC0E
Subject: PRO-67-B
Seeing the many comments on your web site figure I would send mine to you. I currently have a Pro-67B, V1.6 S/N 563607, installed fall October 1994. It has been up since then working great all these years. I has survived ice storms and wind storms. One of the ice storms the chuck of ice that came off were ¾” thick. Most other beam antennas in the area damaged and in many cases the antenna and tower came crashing to the ground under the extra weight. The Mosley antennas in the area all survived.
Since my first beam antenna purchase used in the early 1970’s I’ve always owned Mosley. The first was a TA-33. This one the tower came down when a tree blew into during a wind storm. Took advantage of the damage and tore one of the traps apart and the trap of a competitors product. The quality of your traps you talk about on your web site is real. We also compared the tubing between brands and again your tubing was much better quality.
My primary interest in ham radio is HF contesting. I have finished very well in many contests using this contest, including finishing first in the US and Canada in the ARRL DX SSB contest in 2000 from the Black Hole in Minnesota. I am able to easily break many pile-ups using only 100 watts. More important in contests I am able to hold run frequencies for many hours. People comment all the time to how load I sound.
Great antenna and great company. When it comes time to replace it will be another Mosley. AC0W
From: Jeffrey W4/TI2JCC
Gentlemen, I would like to report to you that one of your TA-54XL antennas that I installed a couple of years ago on a self supported tower at a 80 ft level in Miami survived perfectly with no damage whatsoever. The wind at this location was in excess of 100 MPH that toppled 2 large trees on the property.
I have owned Mosley antennas for 40 years and I can say that they are a great product that will survive the harshest conditions.
Congratulations on a great product.
TA-53-M converted to TA-63-N
From: Bill W6ST
Subject: TA-53-M modified to TA-63-N
I recently bought a TA53 used from an estate. The paper work included showed the purchase order dated 1995. The antenna looked in really great shape for its age. It came apart very easily for transportation. I decided to upgrade the antenna to a TA-63N. The directions were very clear and went together as it should. Its mount atop a 55 ft. crank up tower. I get great reports on all bands 20-6, and no tuner is required.
Thanks again for a great product. W6ST
From: Ken WA8REI
Subject: PRO 67 B
Sirs: I put up a used PRO 67 B in January 2012. In a nutshell: it honks! I operate a lot of QRP CW. I point the antenna toward Europe and have worked several 1-watt stations. The gain on receive as well as transmit enables me to pull in weak QRP stations. Today, I worked the A35YZ DXpedition in Tonga OFF THE BACK at 100 watts, thru a big pileup, first attempt on 17 meters CW. The SWR is less than 1.5:1 on all bands, 1:1 on 4 bands. No tuner is used on any band.
Thank you for designing and making a great antenna!
Customer Service
From: David VK7YUM
Hi. Just a short note to say a HUGE “thank you”! Parts arrived by mail today J Not a bad effort considering I ordered parts for my rotator from Sydney, New South Wales, on the same day and they haven’t arrived yet L
Again, thank you very much – I’ll be telling everyone about your fantastic service.
Mosley Special Orders
From: Tony
Sent: Friday, December 14, 2018 2:53 PM
Subject: RE: Mosley Special Order Vertical
Thank you for the follow up. The units install went very well and the test we have done to date are outstanding. The antenna’s performing above what
we had hoped for. And the Construction is Outstanding. We did have to add more tie downs then we at first though but this is not a problem. One Antenna is installed atop a 3 story building with 2 sets of tie downs. When the storm came thur here last month and winds were gusting 65 to 70 mph. the Antenna withstood it without any problems at all. Thank you for an outstanding Antenna and I hope to be ordering more sometime this Spring.
73 Tony WA4JQS
From: Remell Spencer
Sent: Saturday, November 17, 2018 4:27 PM
To: Mosley Electronics
Subject: Mini-32-A beam
Just wanted to pass along the Mini-32A is working like a charm. The instructions were very easy to follow and it is an awesome performer for my limited space location.
Thanks for providing a Quality product.
Remell, ka6doy
From: Harry W3WKX
Subject: TA 33
My TA 33 has been up in air for 37 years and never needs maintenance !!!!

From: Christian Frost SM0O
Sent: Sunday, February 10, 2019 5:21 PM
To: mosley@mosley-electronics.com
Subject: Picture from Sweden, a CL-33 from 1974 in the snow and cold
Hi all at Mosley!
I have previously been in touch with you regarding this wonderful antenna, that I inherited via a long detour from my father. It is shown here after a severe snowstorm that virtually stopped all transport in Stockholm and sorrounding areas. Naturally I wanted to check my antenna site, which I can do remotely via the security cameras with good picture quality.
The sun just broke trough the clouds and the antenna was absolutely shining from above my 50ft tower, remarkably beautiful at least to me!
The story of the antenna I sent last time is attached below for info.
Still a great antenna, I could not be happier except for maybe adding a second director, is that even possible?
And, looking at the preliminary scores, thanks to this antenna I will, for the second consecutive year, become #1 Sweden in my class in the 2018 CQ WW..!
That is a dream come true and to do it twice is fantastic, I am totally over the sausage here!
Have a great week all friends at Mosley from a snowy white and beautiful Stockholm, Sweden ! :)
Best regards,
Christian Frost, SM0O
Bandhagen, Stockholm
From: Isaac 4X6YY
Subject: TA-63-N
To mosley company:
On 10-28-2013 I bought a TA63N antenna very good antenna. I am very happy with its performance and durability.
From: Joe WA4JUK
Sent: Saturday, June 08, 2019 2:18 PM
Subject: Mosley Antennas
Just thought I would update you on two antennas with photos. The second is an MP-33N installed 1994. Still in operation with world wide results. The first is a Classic 203 installed 2017. It directs my 20 meter signal with pile up busting world wide results.
73 DE Joe WA4JUK

From: Dennis KC1DXD
Sent: Saturday, December 08, 2018 10:45 AM
Subject: Pro 67B replaces TA-36
Just wanted to say Thanks... I finally got the Pro 67B up to sadly replace my much used TA-36. Same great quality, same damn flat blade screws as the TA that's been up and down at four QTH's since 1990. Everything Mosley said it would be and more with great swr across the bands
with a little tinkering.
It bothers me to see some of the reviews where Hams complain: the manual is too small, antenna is too big, there isn't a diagram separate page to tell you where to place every part and screw, ….front lobe is too wide, front to back ratio is too small..Blah, Blah... That scares many young Hams away from a great product. Sure, there are others, a little more gain (they advertise in Dbi) on 20, lighter, smaller, that fall apart with an inch of Maine coastal ice.
My advice ( as an old Marine at 70...wife says I'm just full of advice...) tell those guys to just read the manual, use it as a learning process, find an old timer that's had one, and probably still has.. ask questions, build it once right, put it up high and forget it for 20 years while you enjoy what it will do.
Still the best antenna built.
Dennis Goddard KC1DXD
From: Yakov RC8SC
Subject: TA-33-JR-N
Good morning! Thanks for your nice antenna! Have finished the mounting process a week ago, and it works great!
Good luck! 73! RC8SC
From: Mark Munroe
Subject: Mini 32 AW Storm Survivor
Dear Mosley…. Sunday night, Nov. 5, our neighborhood in Boardman, Ohio experienced considerable damage due to high winds, possibly due to a “microburst”.
Attached are 2 pictures of my backyard showing damage to my rear deck and downed trees, with my Mosley Mini 32 AW on its mast with no damage.
It’s a neat little antenna.
Mark Munroe WA8ZIP
From: "Bernardo López.: CE1PTT"
Sent: Monday, September 23, 2019 6:22 PM
To: mosley@mosley-electronics.com
Subject: Proud owner cl33
Hi, I have a brilliant CL33 (third hand a lot of battles) and works perfect, as Im very happy with the antenna i want to upgrade it as much as I colud so, do you have a dealer in Chile? and second as Im so proud of the performance i want to print some stickers and shirts to wear in hams reunions so would you be so kind to send me a file with the Mosley logo?
Thanks a lot!
Bernardo López.: CE1PTT
From: Kenney NQ3F
Subject: SF-402-A
Hey guys I have the Mosley SF-402-A and it is a good antenna held up in some fierce winds and works as advertised.
Thanks for making the shorty forty have enjoyed it for about a year!!!
From: marco sacchino
Sent: Tuesday, August 13, 2019 1:14 PM
To: Mosley Electronics, Inc
Subject: My Testimony
Dear good morning,
Finally the Mosley TA 53 M antenna is operational, with excellent SWR on all 5 Band, (tested up to 1.2 Kw massoma power of my Kenwood linear amplifier TL-922 with RX-TX Yaesu FT 897D and Auto Tuner LDG AT-897 Plus Dedicated to Ft-897D.
I want to congratulate Mosley and therefore all the staff for the excellent product made, as I think all the products in the catalog, thanking you again for consulting my requests technical, fast and effective even in the case of sending spare parts for the inconvenience caused by the aerial platform operator, despite the time zone.
Truly a leading company.
Attached some photos of my installation Mosley believes it would be better to put my testimony in the testimonies section of the Mosley site I would be happy and if it is published I would like to be informed.
Marco Sacchino I1YSL
From: Steve and Martha Boles
Sent: Thursday, July 18, 2019 6:21 PM
To: Mosley Electronics, Inc.
Subject: Re: Sales Order from MEI - Mosley
I can't begin to tell you how pleased I am with my 6-meter antenna, AM-56. It's a work of art! I'm looking forward to getting it mounted on the mast and on the air...
I'd like to share with you the attached comments. I wouldn't be an engineer if I didn't. Please see attached...

From: AD7Z
Sent: Thursday, October 31, 2019 2:27 AM
To: 'Mosley Electronics, Inc.'
Subject: RE: PRO-96
Hello Chad,
I am not sure who at Mosley might be interested in this, so I decided to pick on you.
The PRO-96 beam has been atop my 72 foot crank-up tower for about two months now and has been performing excellently! I am more than pleased with the antenna. It has performed exactly as the specifications indicated it would. In fact, the SWR on all the bands is slightly better than the predicted figures of the brochures. The SWR is so good that I don’t really need to use my antenna tuner if I choose not to.
Assembly was a bit awkward only because I had to work alone until the time it was put onto the tower. Even so, it went together quite easily and with no problems other than the one mistaken measurement I made, which you helped to clarify.
My first contact with the 40 meter portion of the beam was the Japanese Research station in Antarctica. What a pleasant surprise that was with the conditions being as poor as they are at the bottom of this solar cycle. The beam has cut through pile-ups, heard signals that others don’t and looks fabulous atop the tower.
I want to thank those at Mosley who put this design together and cut the parts for it. Everything was flawless. I made the right decision when I made the purchase and have absolutely no regrets. Thank you all for a fantastic addition to my station.
Best wishes (73),
Bob Walters
Eugene, Oregon
PS: I have attached a picture of the beam along with its cousin the Mosley AM-56, which is also a fabulous beam.
From: Belstner, John
Sent: Friday, January 03, 2020 1:36 PM
Subject: Mini-32A
Finally got around to assembling and mounting the Mini-32A I purchased a few months ago. Tuning was simple; nearly spot on to the suggested starting point dimensions.
SWR is great across all three bands. Even the band edges are easily matched to 1.1:1 with the FlexRadio internal tuner.
My first five contacts were Germany, Belgium, Spain, Aruba and Argentina with only 50W.
Thanks Mosley for the nice design!
73 DE W9EN
From: Ward Merdes
Sent: Tuesday, January 14, 2020 2:50 AM
Subject: Merdes in Alaska - TA33 up 40+ Years
Dear Mosley:
Attached is a winter photo of my TA33 at 70’ atop a 1400’ hill just north of Fairbanks, Alaska. I’ve never had a problem with this antenna for the past 40+ years.
Good job.
Ward Merdes - KL7IXW
From: IZ4DYQ
Sent: Wednesday, February 05, 2020 10:12 AM
Subject: Pro-57-B40
I'm Simon IZ4DYQ,
I have installed a PRO-57-B40 since 2001 on a 7 meters pole on a 4-storey house, and I have no problems, never! Fantastic antenna!!!!
I enjoy myself too much in the years.
I read that it is possible to transform my antenna into one PRO-67B (2 elements on 40 meters), is it true??
And is also true that is possible to install 2 elements on 30 meters band on my antenna too??
If both transformation are possible (or only one), can you give me your best offer of the kits shipped in Italy?
Waiting for your answer,
73 de Simone (IZ4DYQ)
TA-33, TA-36 & TA-40-KR
From: Bruce Streger
Sent: Monday, February 17, 2020 9:52 AM
Subject: Antenna story
I have been a ham for 58 years. I started with Mosley in 1970 with TA 33sr. In 1978 I upgraded to the TA 36 with 40 meter attachment after selling the 33.
Both antennas worked flawlessly. I just took my 50 ft tower down because I am moving from NY to Florida. I have donated the TA36 to the local Scout camp for their use and Jamboree on the Air. After wiping it down it still looks new and works perfectly.
It withstood hurricanes, snow and ice storms, thousands of contacts round the world, 3 lightning strikes, and whatever else in the 42 years it was up, so far.
Thank you for making such a reliable, sturdy product. I would recommend Mosley without hesitation. Ease of construction. Very low swr. It’s has brought me some great contacts. I live on Long Island. My house elevation is 135 feet above sea level. Used the rotor plate with a 10 foot mast. The rotor is the Yeasu G-1000dxa. 450 degrees. Tower was Rohn 25G. 5 sections with the anti- rotation arms and 3 guys.
I look forward to Florida and what I can put up there.
By the way, I erected it, installed it and took it down alone.
Thanks again,
Bruce Streger
MP-33-NW in Grindel, Switzerland at Lutz Multimedia
Lutz+Partner Multimedia
Erschwilerstrasse 246
CH-4247 Grindel
Web Site: Lutz-Electronics
W7PT Mosley MINI-32-A WARC
From: G3UYN / GB2GM Club Station
Sent: Monday, February 24, 2020 5:34 AM
Subject: Guarantee card
We only erected the CL 33 M at The Marconi Centre two weeks ago due to storms and manpower availability. It survived Hurricane Dennis, just shifting around a little on the new G-2800 rotator.
I trust that it is ok to register the guarantee by email.
We are most impressed with the build quality and accuracy of drilling etc.
The performance is excellent with low noise.
Best regards,
Cliff G3UYN
Chairman, Poldhu ARC
TA-33-MW with TA-40-KR & TA-36
From: Ilmar Filhaber
Sent: Saturday, March 07, 2020 8:14 AM
Subject: Re: Antenna Separation
Tim, you can use this "mash note" in your advertising!
I have owned two Mosley antennas in my ham career. I got the first one, a 10 year old TA36 as payment for a debt & bought the 40M traps, etc. before I put it up. That was 1968, It served me well until 1994 when like a @#$%^& fool, I sold it for $250 because I just knew I would never have another tower.
Lo and behold, I bought this QTH in 2002 and some years later I put up a tower. I bought a new-in-the box TA33MW for $200 from a guy who was getting a divorce & needed untraceable cash. I then bought the 40KR tips at market price & put the whole shebang complete with a HB 6M yagi and an 18 el. 2M yagi.
We had a storm come through which slightly bent my HBDX40 tower.
The TA33MW/40KR survived without a scratch.
There is no other antenna than a Mosley. The rest are just aluminum!
John Filhaber, PE, CMfgE, W2HCQ